Unix Training Courses

Linux / Unix User Essentials - 3 Days This course is designed with a very practical focus and encourages users to "work smarter not harder". It is intended for participants using Linux / Unix systems on a day-to-day basis but who are not involved in the administration of those systems. It covers the general operation of Linux / Unix systems using the command prompt.

Even very experienced users of the windows operating system can feel lost when working in the rather alien environment of the Unix / Linux command line and this course will guide them to being competent and confident in this environment. Experienced users of the windows command prompt could also be missing out on many useful features of Linux / Unix as the two operating systems have quite different philosophies despite having many things in common.

Linux / Unix User Essentials - 2 Days This course is designed with a very practical focus and encourages users to "work smarter not harder". It is intended for participants using Linux / Unix systems on a day-to-day basis but who are not involved in the administration of those systems. It covers the general operation of Linux / Unix systems using the command prompt.

Even very experienced users of the windows operating system can feel lost when working in the rather alien environment of the Unix / Linux command line and this course will guide them to being competent and confident in this environment. Experienced users of the windows command prompt could also be missing out on many useful features of Linux / Unix as the two operating systems have quite different philosophies despite having many things in common.

Linux / UNIX Bash Scripting - Shell Scripting This course is to help users of Linux / Unix systems to automate the repetitive tasks they encounter during their daily work using "Shell Scripts" or "Bash Scripts". It is a hands-on course with lots of examples and the goal is to encourage and empower participants to "work smarter not harder". One of the best techniques to employ in this effort is to write a script to carry out repetitive tasks.
Perl Programming on UNIX Perl has been described as C, awk, sed, and shell programming all wrapped into one language. In this intense, 5-day, hands-on programming course, you will learn how to take advantage of Perl`s power through examples and extensive exercises. Arrays and hashes, I/O, regular expressions, subroutines, and complex data structures are covered in depth. The course also introduces object-oriented programming in Perl, as well as UNIX multi-tasking and Perl sockets programming.